you don't have to spend a lot of money to look good. an incredible outfit isn't defined by its price, and creativity goes a long way. jarae and nailah exhibit their unique style with our first ever fashion budget challenge. these two muses assembled a look from our greenpoint store with less than $100.
jarae is wearing a vintage blouse ($14.95), cali fun & sun x american apparel crop top ($10.95), caćhe vintage jeans ($18.95) and aldo boots ($21.95). total spent: $66.80.
follow jarae @blacmagic_woman /
photos by sabreen jafry
nailah is wearing a cable knit sweater by thaddeus ($21.95) and a denim jacket by an unknown label ($21.95). total spent: $43.90
follow nailah @themodanintersection /
photos by simone hamilton