c-note style with rao

artist and self-stylist rao, puts two non-binary looks together for $100 in this shopping budget challenge.
how would you describe your style right now?
no rules, very free. i enjoy non-gender conforming, second-hand clothing. i hate following trends. as a fashion addict, i believe that fashion should bring happiness and creativity to society. however, today, the fashion industry has become the 2nd most polluting industry in the world. it makes me sad. we all need to do something good for our earth. avoid the waste and environmental destruction!

how did you first get interested in clothes?
err..no idea. i believe fashion is in my dna. i love beautiful clothes to make me feel unique and stand out.
what or who is currently influencing your style?
so many creators share their ideas and work on social media, i am inspired by them every single day.

what was the inspiration behind this shoot?
i don’t know..i just follow a feeling. it is hard to explain how my brain works, ideas just pop up!
what's your strategy when shopping at beacons?
no strategy! the only thing i do is give myself plenty of time in the store. when you really take the time to browse you can find so many cool things. always exceeding my expectations.

follow @raohost
photos by cassie zhang