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two models in front of chalk board with shutter release.

chics and geeks

making the grade 

two models in front of a chalk board.

model in front of gate.

model writing on chalk board with shutter release.

model in front of chalk board with shutter release in hand.

calvin laporte: neiman marcus vintage sweater, vintage pant, adidas sneakers, military surplus backpack calvin laporte 2: vintage sweater, h&m skirt as top, vintage plaid skirts, fila sneakers calvin hannawell: jansport backpack, reebok sneakers, helmut lang file clutch and binder bag, uniqlo lemaire short and vintage shirt. larissa: trip nyc bralette, bebe corset, vintage skirt, margiela heel hailey: vintage bralette, dior corset, vintage skirt, jil sander heels

photographed and styled by david moses 
featuring: calvincalvin, haileylarissa and vegas  
produced by aisha gunnell 
Previous article repurposed with purpose: tilly doro