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diptych of a performance in barcelona.



sigrid swinging monica around.

walter wlodarczyk's lens


our featured models this month, sigrid lauren and monica mirabile, are founders of FlucT.  this performance art duo aims to expose authorities of control in american culture. they combine video installation, original soundscapes, sculpture, and choreography, often violently intimate. lauren and mirabile also founded otion front studio, a performance and dance space in brooklyn, new york. 

FlucT (short for fluctuation) has performed and exhibited at the guggenheim, the broad museum, miami art basel, signal, queens museum, and andrea rosen gallery. they frequently collaborate with musicians including sophie, and pictureplane. you can catch them with pharmakon on february 7th in mexico city as part of material art fair. following this collaboration lauren and mirabile will be holding a 3-week residency at goucher college. fluct has been reviewed by art in america, the new york times, the fader, and cura magazine.


sigrid flipping monica over their body. 'everything makes me happy' presented at the broad museum. dv de vincentis lens 


performing in barcelona at sonardôme

performing with sophie in barcelona at sonardôme. fernando schlaepfer's lens

'upward facing control table top' performance.

'upward facing control table top'. commentary on economic hierarchies. walter wlodarczyk's lens


studio performance image.

walter wlodarczyk's lens


diptych of performance.

(r) performing with sophie at sonardôme. barcelona. fernando schlaepfer's lens

performance in miami.

'bigger than you' premiered for artsy projects. miamiwalter wlodarczyk's lens

performance in detroit.

adult period 20th-anniversary show. detroit. doug coombe's lens

set for performance.

'is it god or am i dog?' a multimedia exhibition featuring original narrative soundscapes and dance choreography.

still from 'is it god or am i dog?' dance.

'is it god or am i dog?' dance choreography displayed across multiple video sculptures.



follow, and @fluct_monica

Previous article repurposed with purpose: tilly doro