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two models front to back with robes and bags.

in bloom

evoke spring with botanical tints and textures.
models front to back in robes, head gear and holding bags.

(left): issey miyake pleats please dress - furla teal bag - vintage geometric bag - turban unknown
(right): mago ka reine margot jacket - dress unknown - a.j. morgan sunglasses 

detail shots of shoes and tights and bags.

(right): derek lam shoes,  (left): aperali heels

detail shot of torso and bags.

rachel comey fur clutch - raoul peach bag - teal bag unknown

detail shot of legs in the air agains wall.

look from london tights and socks


photos: corinne durand

styling: delcey fleming

art direction: carly rabalais and delcey fleming

models: leah evans and rebecca echevarria

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