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volunteers loading truck.

star project - collection for syrian refugee camps

volunteers helping load onto truck.

labeled the worst humanitarian disaster since world war ii, the syrian conflict has had a devastating impact on syria and its people. in an effort to help syrian refugees who have fled the civil war in their homeland, beacon’s closet partnered with st ann’s school for the star project (students taking action for relief)   

volunteers packing boxes.

more volunteers helping out.

a coalition of fifty new york city schools in conjunction with us africa children’s fellowship (usacf) and united muslim relief packed and shipped a 40 foot container to provide supplies to syrian refugees in jordan.


volunteers loading packed boxes onto truck.

truck full of packed donations.

each school brought at least 30 boxes of a selected item. one school brought 317 boxes of various housewares, shoes and tarps. while another school brought 52 boxes of just school supplies. thanks to our customers' donations, beacon’s closet and saint ann's helped provide over 70 boxes of clothing towards the relief.

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