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the women's march

the women's march

art by kate deciccio

in response to the comments about women and minorities made by the president elect, "the largest mass mobilization that any new administration has seen on its first day" (linda sarsour) will take place. 
on saturday, january 21, we march against intolerance and fight for civil liberties for every human.

the women's march began as an organic reaction to the 2017 election when a grandmother in hawaii proposed to her friends via facebook to march in washington d.c. overnight, 10,000 people were on board. two months later, approximately 200,000  people are expected to participate in DC, 100,000 in NYC, 40,000 in Chicago, 50,000 in Seattle, 35,000 in San Francisco, and tens of thousands of others across the globe.*
*as of 01.23.17 multiple sources estimate national attendance in excess of 1 million participants.
art by jessica sabogal

here in new york city, the march ends near trump tower. this is our chance to stand up, raise our voices and be heard on racism, equality, opportunity, sexual assault, and reproductive rights. 

art by jennifer maravillas

on saturday, 1/21, due to our staff participation
 in the event, the greenpoint, manhattan, and bushwick stores will not open until 4PM, and the park slope store will be closed.  all stores resume regular hours on sunday, january 22nd.  
download and print one of the five official posters here for free, or make your own! ps, ny prohibits signage on poles, sticks or handles.   
for more information please visit
to register and for more information on nyc's march please visit
download the women's march on washington d.c. app here
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