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aisha posing at skatepark.

california love

person in yellow outfit at skate park.

being a tourist in my home town 

our digital producer aisha finds some winter respite in the city of angels  

destination: la
purpose of the journey: needed that vitamin d   
never travel to la without: athleisure    
a favorite outfit you packed: vintage leisure suit
how many pairs of shoes: tennis shoes, red wings, and margiela boots
what were you listening to my fire r&b playlist  
favorite meal: ostrich farms in echo park  
highlights of the trip: seeing friends, hiking and the beach

left to right: person at solar roof, and a person with red pants surrounded by orange trees.

proud of my reversing skills. citrus

elephants walking to the water.

a nostalgic moment at the tar pits - not as glamorous as i remember but still smells the same!

two people posing at table restaurant.

honda-ya shopping mall sushi with kissy

black and white of a person posing in front of cactus.

cacti appreciation

satsumas at sunset.

satsumas at sunset 

snake print bag and honeycomb tiles.

snake print and honeycomb  

left to right: a person sitting at top of griffith observatory, and person in yellow outfit/sunset at the beach.

griffith observatory with bailey. sunset at da beach

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Previous article repurposed with purpose: tilly doro