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jessi in a chair with their cat.

confidence is beautiful - styled by jessi

photographer and bushwick buyer jessi gets dressed for herself - not for anyone else. she mixes textures and prints, embraces wide leg pants, and for the first time - her style is all about color.


jessi on a chair with their cat.
jessi foot up on chair.
jessi in front of the door.

what trends are you seeing bubble up in fashion?

definitely a lot of pants! wide legged, colorful and/or patterned. i only own one pair of tight fitting pants now. lately i've been having fun with mixing textures and colorful eye makeup. gender ambiguity is another thing that i absolutely adore and can't wait to see more of.


jessi standing in front of art.
jessi's shoes detail.


what or who is currently influencing your style?

for the first time, my style has been based around color. being a photographer, my work tends to emphasize color- transitioning that love into my wardrobe has been something that truly makes me happy and i'm excited to see where it takes me. i've recently purchased a pair of teal leather gloves that i've been wearing with my bubble-gum pink faux fur coat. i'm obsessed.

jessi in leather jacket.
jessi in front of mannequin heads.

do you see clothes and feminism as connected and if so, how?

yes i do. women of all age groups can have moments where they question if their outfit is sexy or feminine enough. i especially remember instances like these in high school and early college years, before i discovered my own sense of style and learned to dress for only myself and not for anyone else. to look and feel good because i genuinely enjoy the items i've put together in my own unique way. confidence is beautiful, it resonates with and inspires others -- and for that, i have my wonderful friends to thank.
follow on instagram: @kitchen.sync
photos by austin jackson
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