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conceptual dress held by model over their head.

costume designer christian joy

Woman wearing an elaborate piece in collaboration with ioulex

collaboration with ioulex

in an era where music and fashion are so entwined, the creations of costume designer christian joy really take center stage. known foremost as karen o's go-to designer, she's made moments in music all the more memorable with her outlandish and show-stopping d.i.y. designs.

Karen O showcasing fashion

karen o of yeah, yeah, yeahs

how much does vintage influence your creations?

i think it's a big influence for me and for any designer. not only is it interesting to look at the styles of clothing but also at how pieces were made. i love vintage and i find a lot of inspiration in it-especially in weird handmade pieces.

Woman with elaborate dress and hat inspired by a paper plane

collaboration with ioulex

you tend to design more for women than men. what inspires you about women?

well, i think in general it's more fun to design for women. there are many more options. i love a more androgynous style so i like to mix up men's and women's clothing or just make someone more gender-neutral. i feel like when you take away gender in general you have more to work with. and the thing i love most about women is their innovation.

Two pieces of elaborate fashion


left: collaboration with spike jonze and urban outfitters, right: collaboration with ioulex

what is one of your favorite creations to date?

i think the skeleton suit i made for karen o at the end of the “fever to tell” tour will always be my favorite. it really represented a change in the way i designed.

follow on instagram @christianjoycostumes


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