doggie dog world
what’s dressed in vintage armani and walks on all fours? the adorable doggie models captured by fashion photographer chantal adair. drawing from her veteran years in the industry first as a model and then as a streetstyle photographer, adair has looked to the furry fashionistas of new york and beyond as her muses. the results are delightful and leave us wanting to know more about her creative process. we sometimes find her shopping our racks for her canine confections so we caught up with her to inquire.
how did you transition from shooting people to dogs?
funny enough it was an accident! i still take photos of humans but my main focus has been dogs. i've spent many years photographing fashion and street style. When a client couldn’t afford my rate, i decided to dress dogs up in human clothes. next thing i knew, my work was featured in huffington post and a 5 pound yorkie was flying me out to paris fashion week to document her experience.
what's your creative process like?
i think about what's trending and the dogs coat. i usually need two days of prep before a shoot.
where do you pull your looks from?
from many different places. it also depends on my client’s budget. i've literally shopped for dogs at dolce gabbana, ralph lauren and high-end children's stores. people usually think i'm shopping for my child. i used to tell them it's for a dog photo shoot and they'd look mortified. now i pretend i have children! i love beacon’s, especially for larger breeds. everything works!
can you share any of your tricks with us for getting the shot?
having lots of patience and photoshop!
instagram @thedogstyler