beacon's closet staff playlist - delcey
this month, we're sharing a store playlist from delcey, a member of our online department. an ethereal and spooky vibe specifically for october.
what’s the vibe you like to bring to the store with this playlist?
that you’ve entered a transcendental horror movie.
what inspired this playlist?
i wanted something in the spirit of halloween that wasn’t your typical monster mash party playlist. something more ambient-eerie in a supernatural kind of way.
when’s your favorite time during the workday to throw this playlist on?
definitely at the end of the night. it set’s a good tone for closing up shop and heading home in the night.
what’s your go to song that’s on repeat this month?
well on a completely different note, lol, i have been pumping myself up with “strong” by romy.
follow @ddeellcceeyy