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fall tarot reading by angelika padilla

we’re thrilled to welcome angelika padilla, a talented witch and tarot reader, for a special reading to provide some insight into what this fall season has in store and how to navigate the upcoming season. 

in addition to tarot angelika is known for her empowering practice in sex and glamour magic. after the reading, dive into our brief interview with angelika as she shares insights into her magical journey and the powerful deities that inspire her practice.


what type of magic work do you do besides tarot, if any?

i specialize in the work of sex & glamour magick, for; empowerment, unification of our bodies, enlightenment and healing. sex and glamour magick being the practice and use of our bodies/gender expression in connection with self love and care. it’s not like what creepy yoga pseudo spiritualists practice. 

i am also looking to expand into my deep history in death/spiritual work and become a death doula in the near history, to find more ways to aid my community.

how would you describe your magic?

my magick is based and rooted in the empowerment and enlightenment of self. 

my approach is heavily influenced by my 5 matrons that I work with, bastet being my mother, sekhmet, hathor, serqet and ma’at all being present in my practice. i take aspects of these goddesses and try and uphold their knowledge in my work. each of them exemplifying a characteristic or merit that i want to share, be it protection, self love, creativity etc. it is my duty to promote the knowledge and blessings that i have received and what can be achieved with work and worship.

are you available for private readings?

i am available for private readings, events, and workshops where i can help people get connected to their highest form of self! 



you can follow and find more from angelika on ig @pogo_pope & @the_hocus_pocus_pvssy

angelika's info graphic. Reads: the hocus pocus pvssy. healing/empowerment through sex/glamour magik. diety work. spiritual insight. queering the mystical. sliding scale rates for BIPOC + LGBTQ+. Tarot readings: 30 mins - $100, 60 mins - $200. Ritual magik work,: candle/jar spells $25, sex glamour spells - inquire, space cleansings/banishings $100. contact or @the_hocus_pocus_pvssy on ig.
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