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sarah lounging on couch with two busts.

poise and intuition - styled by sarah

sarah, from our manhattan store, references her expansive knowledge of art history as inspiration for her day to day style.  

sarah posing with two statue busts.
portrait of sarah and two roman busts.

you are known for your special and spectacular jewelry. where does your collection tend to come from?

i love researching jewelry from around the world. i’m currently writing a paper on jewish silversmiths in morocco. i usually pine over pieces for a long time and then i’ll treat myself to something i love, to commemorate an accomplishment. i find great jewelry in unexpected places. there is a store upstate that has beautiful indian and north african jewelry and another in florida near my parents’ house that has great navajo and mexican pieces. but my favorite pieces of jewelry have been gifts.


detail of sarah's torso and single bust.
polaroid of sarahs back and a bust.

were you always drawn to clothes and aesthetics from another time and place? 

i’ve always been interested in fashion and textile history and it is just so easy to find beautiful clothing in new york. the way clothing makes me feel is most important to me. my apartment doesn’t even have a full-length mirror. i like the rustle and sweep of a full skirt and the softness of an indian cotton blouse.

vertical polaroid of sarah in front of a dresser featuring the two busts.
profile portrait of sarah looking at bust.

what do you do outside of beacon's?

i am currently working on my masters degree at f.i.t.. the program is called fashion and textile studies: history, theory, museum practice. i am also interning at costume institute at the metropolitan museum of art, which is one of the most incredible and inspirational places on earth. in one day, i might see an eighteenth-century mens’ coat, a pair of venetian chopines, and a schiaparelli dress. i am so fortunate to work with such intelligent and like-minded people at the met, at f.i.t., and at beacon’s.


portrait of sarah on chair in ballet shoes featuring busts.

what was your inspiration behind this shoot? you look like you could be in the met basement or something!

i was looking at surrealist fashion photography and i wanted to use the props that we have around our apartment. my friend chelsea, who has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of fashion photography (and movies, and hair, and makeup, and literature) from the ‘30s and ‘40s, and my boyfriend eric who has excellent taste in photography, were both there to help set up each frame.

photos by eric burstyn
hair and makeup by chelsea payne muller
interview by julia popescu 
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