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details of back of dress.

spiritual wealth - styled by jahmal

stunning detail of back of dress on jahmal in front of chain link fence.

behind jahmal's style is a complex story about identity. explore the complicated language of fashion through polaroids and pros.


stunning detail of back of dress on jahmal in front of corrugated metal wall.


is fashion political?

if you find that it isn't politically charged, i think you're not looking around. from the FLOTUS, to the celebrities, to the runways and through the streets alike -- clothing is an exclusive language spoken and received by like-minded people. i could gripe and theorize about it for days, but i try to find ways of making the ritual of dressing one's self humorous/joyful.

i find myself negotiating the balance between trends and things that just feel silly. i embed my possessions of all kinds with varying degrees of spiritual wealth. i wear pieces very ironically sometimes. more than anything else, i dress to at once be invisible and hyper-visible.

jahmal seated on sidewalk in stunning light.

detail of back of jahmal seated.

detail of torso and ripped denim.

describe your style.

my style is about grappling with the gender binary and making the different spaces i occupy safe and comfortable. my clothes reflect my anxieties, accentuate my strength and protect me from harm all at once. i think about fashion as it relates to violence a lot. in my mind, clothes are tools we use to ward off unwanted attention, shroud us in mystique, and power us through our days unscathed. i gravitate towards the legacy of the queer, gender non-conforming, and trans youth of the 80s and 90s (and even now). i draw strength from their stories and through my presentation as non-binary, attempt to honor their resilience and queering of performative gender norms.

portrait of face with hand in front featuring jewelry.

detail of wrists.

detail of leg and socks shot through railing of steps.

silhouette of jahmal in door way.

stunning portrait of jahmals back looking out of their balcony.

is there a piece in your closet that fills you with joy?

no one piece i own shakes me to my core. i love all of it - it's both the prequel and the update of my life. a library, and a tool kit. i recently had to pack all of my things and move. all of my possessions fit into two large boxes, one trunk, one large suitcase, and two small duffel bags. i only mention this to say that i cherish everything i own and carried with me. 

stunning lighting and shot of jamal on a stool in front of their house.

profile detail shot seated on stool.

another profile shot on stool.




lensed by elisabeth cady 
interview by julia popescu 
special thanks to james gallagher
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