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    December 1, 2013 Carly Rabalais


    (from left to right): ryan- vintage red leather jacket. aisha- kay unger vintage pearl top, 90's silk skirt. karmella- ports 1961 dress. lain- ports sheer top, vintage pants, givenchy necklace. cindy- 1960's sequin dress, amit- d&g plaid suit, mtwtfss weekday...

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    September 18, 2013 Carly Rabalais

    concrete jungle- styled by aisha

    hailing from austin, texas, aisha lends a southern charm to our brooklyn beacon’s in her stetson hat and western boots. having styled and modeled, we knew she'd hit it home in this month's "styled by." enjoy!     how are...

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    July 12, 2013 Aisha Gunnell

    TRUCE x beacons closet

    telsha in a cheongsam dress from the closet    upon graduating from syracuse university telsha knew she wanted to be in fashion and events. with the help of brett pinnix founder of ABC Collective TRUCE by Telsh was born. we catch up...

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